Vieara - V

NEXT GEN 1470nm DIODE LASER MACHINE - For Non Surgical Indications in Cosmetic & Functional Gynaecology


The Vieara V treatment is a painless & coffee break procedure for various feminine conditions

Vieara V is the 1470nm diode laser treatment made to remodel the collagen & regain the control. If you struggle with sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence, vaginal atrophy, or other vaginal concerns, this treatment may be right for you.
The ViearaV adjustable laser probe with a diameter of 12-24 mm. Compatible to various indications &
treatments pertaining to vaginal atrophy.
The Vieara V works on diode laser with 1470nm wavelength with water as chromophore which absorbs
water making it ideal for treating the vaginal mucosa to generate highly effective & thermal effect.

Indication can be treated

Advantage of Our Diode Laser

Vaginal Rejuvenation with fiber optic probes. Use the properties of light to achieve the rejuvenation of
the vaginal mucosa. Minimally invasive treatment that requires the insertion of the probe inside the
vagina target the vaginal mucosa without causing an ablative thermal iniury.

Technical Data

Designed for performing minimally invasive gynecological treatments Less invasive, More ef fective.

  • Wave Length: 1470nm
  • Power: 30W
  • Length: 219.5 mm
  • Outside Diameter: 35mm
  • Inside Diameter: 24m

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